Saturday, February 24, 2007
Definition of Insanity
Benjamin Franklin said, the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.
Hmm..doesn't that definition hold true for many marketing initiatives today?! Why is it that even when certain vehicles don't pay off, marketers continue to use them rather than change their strategy and try something different?
Is it management pressure? Is it inertia? Is it lack of creativity? Is it risk-aversion?
Is it all of the above? Probably.
Seth Godin says in his post:
...if you want the word to spread, if you expect me to take action I've never taken before, it seems to me that you need to do something that hasn't been done before. It might not feel safe, but if you do the safe thing, I guarantee you won't surprise anyone. And if you don't surprise anyone, the word isn't going to spread.That's a great point, predictability may feel safe, but it will lead to zero increase in interest/awareness.
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